Business IT Articles, News, and Tips

NOVA Computer Solutions specializes in helping professionals in the dental industry with all their technology services and technical support.  Looking for great information on how your dental practice can use technology to better serve patients?  You’ve come to the right place.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0
NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0
NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0: Essential Steps for Small Business Success Are you a small business looking to strengthen your cybersecurity? The NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0: Small Business Quick-Start Guide is designed to help small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that may not have an extensive cybersecurity plan. This guide is a reliable resource that outlines steps […]
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Ethical vs. Unethical Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Cybersecurity
Ethical vs. Unethical Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Cybersecurity
Ethical vs. Unethical Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Cybersecurity: A Critical Analysis As the digital world continues to evolve, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity becomes increasingly crucial. You’ve likely seen references to AI making your devices smarter and protecting your data more effectively. But what draws the line between AI’s ethical and […]
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How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Organizations With Inventory Management
How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Organizations With Inventory Management
How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Organizations With Inventory Management: Boost Efficiency and Accuracy Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way organizations manage their inventory. AI can optimize supply chain management and increase efficiency using predictive analytics, offering businesses precise inventory forecasting. This results in better stock levels and minimizes the risk of overstocking or stockouts. […]
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4 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Strengthen Business Security
4 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Strengthen Business Security
4 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Strengthen Business Security: Enhancing Protection and Efficiency In today’s digital age, businesses face growing cybersecurity threats. Protecting sensitive data and maintaining the integrity of systems is more critical than ever. Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers advanced solutions to enhance your business’s security, ensuring that you can stay ahead of potential threats. […]
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5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Technology Can Help Small Business Succeed
5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Technology Can Help Small Business Succeed
5 Ways AI Technology Can Help Small Business Succeed Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just for big corporations anymore; it’s also becoming a powerful tool for small businesses. From boosting customer service to refining marketing strategies, AI can transform various business operations. By embracing AI, you can streamline tasks, make better decisions, and drive growth […]
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3 Digital Indicators Of An Inside Threat
3 Digital Indicators Of An Inside Threat
3 Digital Indicators Of An Inside Threat: Essential Warning Signs for Cybersecurity In cybersecurity, insider threats pose a significant risk to organizations. These threats often come from individuals within the organization who misuse their access to sensitive information. Understanding the digital indicators of an insider threat is crucial for protecting data and maintaining security. In this article, […]
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Urgent Warning: Cybercriminals Exploiting Trust in Reputable Organizations
Urgent Warning: Cybercriminals Exploiting Trust in Reputable Organizations
Urgent Warning: Cybercriminals Exploiting Trust in Reputable Organizations In today’s digital landscape, cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, targeting businesses and personal computer users. One particularly concerning tactic involves cybercriminals masquerading as employees of well-respected organizations, such as Microsoft, to gain access to sensitive information and systems. This ongoing threat requires heightened awareness and vigilance […]
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Is Your MSP Helping Or Hindering Your Information Systems Investments?
Is Your MSP Helping Or Hindering Your Information Systems Investments?
Is Your MSP Helping Or Hindering Your Information Systems Investments? Evaluating the Impact Investing in information systems is crucial for any business aiming to stay competitive. Whether your Managed Service Provider (MSP) contributes positively to these investments can be the difference between streamlined operations and constant headaches. The right MSP should help optimize your IT […]
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