New DMARC EMail Standards And The Impact On The Dental Industry

Discover how NOVA Computer Solutions is revolutionizing email standards with DMARC and its impact on the dental industry. Stay ahead of the curve and protect your practice from email threats. Learn more today!

Why Dental Practices Must Ensure Compliance: Navigating New DMARC Email Standards

Dental practices, like other businesses, rely heavily on email communication for various purposes, such as appointment scheduling, sending reminders, and exchanging information with patients and colleagues. In today’s digital age, ensuring the security and authentication of email communications is more important than ever. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is a critical email security standard that protects against phishing and other email-based attacks. As email security becomes a priority, it’s crucial for dental practices to implement and adhere to new DMARC email standards to safeguard their reputation, protect patient data, and maintain regulatory compliance.

DMARC helps to authenticate emails sent by dental practices by combining two other key email authentication standards – SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). As a result, this unified standard can prevent unauthorized use of your dental practice’s domain in phishing emails, contributing to the overall security of your email communications. Furthermore, DMARC policies can help dental practices comply with industry regulations and guidelines, such as the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) for organizations handling credit card data.

Key Takeaways

  • DMARC implementation can protect dental practices from phishing and other email-based attacks.
  • Adhering to DMARC email standards helps maintain regulatory compliance and secure patient data.
  • Combining SPF and DKIM authentication methods within DMARC policies enhances overall email security for dental practices.

Importance of DMARC for Dental Practices

Protecting Patient Communication

One of the primary reasons dental practices should adopt DMARC is to protect patient communication. Patients trust dental practices with their sensitive health information and expect privacy in all interactions. By implementing DMARC, we can provide additional protection for our email communications, ensuring that patients receive genuine messages from our practice and not phishing attempts or other malicious emails.

Mitigating Email Spoofing Risks

Another crucial aspect of implementing DMARC in dental practices is mitigating the risks associated with email spoofing. Through email spoofing, cybercriminals can impersonate our practice and send fraudulent emails to patients or third parties, potentially causing financial or reputational damage.

Through DMARC policies, we can:

  • Authenticate: Verify the origin of email messages, ensuring they are sent from legitimate sources.
  • Monitor: Keep track of how our domain is used across the internet and identify potential threats.
  • Enforce: Prevent unauthorized use of our domain in email messages by setting strict policies (p=reject or p=quarantine), which either reject or quarantine suspicious emails.

These steps help us reduce the likelihood of successful email spoofing attacks and protect our patients’ and practice’s reputation.

Enhancing Email Deliverability

Last but not least, DMARC helps to improve our email deliverability rates. With proper implementation, we demonstrate to internet service providers (ISPs) and email servers that we are committed to ensuring email authenticity and following best practices.

Here are some benefits of improved deliverability:

  • Trust: ISPs are more likely to trust emails from our domain, increasing the chances that they reach patients’ inboxes.
  • Avoiding spam filters: Authenticating emails can help prevent our messages from being marked as spam, ensuring that important communications reach our patients.
  • Reputation: Proper email authentication reflects our practice’s commitment to patient privacy and security.

By adopting DMARC standards, our dental practice strengthens email security, protects patient communication, and enhances overall email deliverability and efficacy.

Understanding DMARC Standards

DMARC Basics

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is a crucial email authentication standard that has gained prominence in cybersecurity. With the increase in email-based threats, such as phishing and spoofing attacks, implementing DMARC has become essential for organizations, including dental practices.

At its core, DMARC utilizes two other email authentication methods: SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). By integrating SPF and DKIM authentication, DMARC allows domain owners to set a policy for email receivers to validate incoming emails, thereby providing a robust system to protect organizations from email-based threats.

Policy Implementation Process

To ensure compliance with DMARC standards, high-volume senders, including dental practices, should focus on several key areas:

  1. Implement SPF and DKIM: Start by setting up an SPF record for your domain, authorizing only legitimate IP addresses to send emails on behalf of your domain. Next, configure DKIM by adding a digital signature to your email messages, tying the email sender and domain’s public key to verify the message’s authenticity.
  2. Establish a DMARC policy: Configure a DMARC policy for your sending domain, detailing actions to be taken for emails that fail DMARC checks. Options include “none” (monitoring only), “quarantine” (marking unauthenticated emails), and “reject” (blocking unauthenticated emails).
  3. Monitor and refine: Carefully analyze the DMARC reports provided by email receivers regarding compliance issues, policy effectiveness, and any potential adjustments necessary.

Technical Requirements

As of February 2024, many email service providers, such as Gmail and Yahoo, have made DMARC, SPF, and DKIM mandatory for sending emails. Below is a brief overview of the technical aspects of these email authentication standards:

  • SPF: The domain owner authorizes specific IP addresses to send emails under the domain name. SPF is crucial to prevent sender forgery, ensuring only authenticated emails reach the recipient’s inbox.
  • DKIM: A digital signature is added to email messages, enabling recipients to verify the sender’s identity confirming the message’s integrity.
  • DMARC: It builds upon SPF and DKIM by allowing domain owners to define their email authentication policies and instructing email receivers on handling unauthenticated messages.

Implementing DMARC standards is essential for dental practices to safeguard email communications, protect patient data, and maintain patient trust. Following the steps mentioned above and adhering to the technical requirements, dental practices can significantly reduce the risk of email-based threats and ensure a secure communication environment.

Compliance and Legal Implications

HIPAA Considerations

As dental practitioners, we must always prioritize the protection of our patient’s data, including adhering to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Ensuring compliance with new DMARC email standards plays a vital role in safeguarding sensitive patient information such as:

  • Personal identifiers: Name, birthdate, contact information.
  • Health records: Medical history, dental treatments, prescriptions.
  • Financial information: Insurance details, billing, and payment records.

Implementing DMARC email standards helps reduce the risk of email spoofing and phishing attacks that could compromise our patient’s protected health information (PHI). By properly implementing DMARC, we can:

  1. Authenticate senders: Verify the legitimacy of emails sent from our domain.
  2. Monitor email activities: Detect potential phishing attempts or unauthorized access.
  3. Prevent email spoofing: Block messages failing the authentication process.

Adhering to these new standards supports HIPAA compliance and enhances the overall security of our patient’s data and our dental practice’s reputation.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

In addition to HIPAA, dental practices operating within the European Union (EU) or serving EU patients must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This regulation aims to protect individuals’ personal data and privacy rights while establishing a more transparent approach to data management.

DMARC email standards align with GDPR requirements by enhancing email security and adding an extra layer of protection for personal data:

  • Data accuracy: Ensuring the authenticity of email senders minimizes misinformation and supports GDPR’s requirement for accurate data processing.
  • Data protection by design: Implementing DMARC as a best practice demonstrates our commitment to integrating data protection measures from the outset.
  • Accountability and transparency: DMARC’s monitoring and reporting capabilities help demonstrate our diligence in upholding GDPR’s expectations of accountability and transparency.

Compliance with DMARC email standards is essential in demonstrating our commitment to protecting our patients’ data while meeting the legal and ethical obligations required of us within the dental industry.

Setting Up DMARC for Your Practice

Choosing a DMARC Policy

When implementing DMARC for your dental practice, the first step is to choose a suitable DMARC policy. There are three policy options available:

  1. None: This policy does not enforce DMARC authentication but will still generate reports on domain usage. It is mainly used for initial testing and monitoring purposes.
  2. Quarantine: This policy requests that non-authenticated email be placed into the recipient’s junk folder. It provides some protection while still allowing email delivery.
  3. Reject: This strict policy completely blocks emails that fail authentication checks. This provides maximum protection but should be used cautiously to avoid potential delivery issues.

For dental practices ensuring maximum email security, the Reject policy is recommended. However, monitoring and fine-tuning your DMARC setup before implementing this policy is crucial to avoid delivery problems.

Configuring DNS for DMARC

To set up DMARC for your dental practice, you must create a new domain DNS record. The DNS record is a TXT record comprised of several elements, including the following:

Element Description
v The version of DMARC being used (must be DMARC1)
p The chosen DMARC policy (none, quarantine, or reject)
sp DMARC policy for subdomains (optional)
rua URI for aggregate DMARC reports (typically an email address)
ruf URI for forensic/failure DMARC reports (optional)

Here’s an example of a DMARC DNS record:

v=DMARC1; p=reject;;

This record specifies a Reject policy and directs aggregate reports to be sent to

Monitoring and Reporting

DMARC reporting plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of your email security measures. The reports provide insights into your email delivery performance and enable you to identify configuration issues, malicious activity, and delivery discrepancies. Two types of reports can be generated:

  • Aggregate (RUA) reports: These provide an overview of the email authentication status for your domain, including SPF, DKIM, and alignment outcomes. They can be generated daily.
  • Forensic/Failure (RUF) reports: These are generated when an email fails DMARC authentication. They contain detailed information about the email and can aid in identifying the source of the failure.

Analyzing and acting on these reports is crucial for maintaining a robust DMARC setup, ensuring compliance, and protecting your dental practice’s email reputation.

Best Practices for Maintaining Compliance

As dental practices adapt to new DMARC email standards, it’s crucial to maintain compliance through various best practices. This section will discuss three key components: Regular DMARC Audits, Email Authentication Updates, and Staff Training and Awareness.

Regular DMARC Audits

Conducting regular DMARC audits helps us monitor and maintain our email security. By consistently reviewing our email domain’s DMARC reports, we can identify potential issues or vulnerabilities in our email system. These audits should be scheduled at least once a quarter but can be done more frequently depending on our needs.

An effective DMARC audit should include:

  1. Review of email sources: Identify all legitimate email sources for our domain, ensuring they align with our SPF and DKIM records.
  2. Analysis of DMARC reports: Evaluate the DMARC reports for any inconsistencies or security threats.
  3. Adjustments to DMARC policies: Update our DMARC policies as needed to ensure the optimal level of protection.

Email Authentication Updates

Maintaining up-to-date email authentication methods is essential in safeguarding our dental practice’s communications. This involves monitoring and updating our DMARC policies and actively managing our SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) records.

Troubleshooting Common DMARC Issues

Analyzing DMARC Reports

To effectively troubleshoot common DMARC issues, we must analyze DMARC reports regularly. These reports provide valuable insights into email authentication results on a domain-by-domain basis. We can use free online tools or commercial DMARC reporting services to interpret the data. Watch for patterns or anomalies that may signify configuration problems or malicious activity. Below are some points to consider when analyzing DMARC reports:

  • Review the sending sources and verify if they can send emails on your behalf.
  • Note any failure rates and trends to identify possible spoofing or phishing attacks.
  • Examine alignment between SPF, DKIM, and From headers to understand the overall status of email authentication.

Handling Delivery Failures

If you notice delivery failures in your DMARC reports, addressing them as soon as possible is essential. Here are some practical steps to follow:

  1. Verify SPF Records: Ensure all legitimate sending IP addresses are listed, and update your SPF record to include any new or missing IP addresses.
  2. Ensure DKIM Alignment: Verify if all legitimate emails are being signed with DKIM, and ensure the DKIM keys and domain selectors are correctly configured.
  3. Authenticate Subdomains: If the failure is due to the subdomain, implement inheritance – this allows subdomains to use DMARC policies from their parent domain.

Adjusting DMARC Policies

After identifying and resolving the possible causes of delivery failures, it’s vital to adjust DMARC policies accordingly. Here’s a recommended process to follow:

  1. Start with a monitoring policy: Configure your DMARC record with a “none” policy to gather data without affecting email delivery.
  2. Analyze and adjust: Continuously analyze DMARC reports to ensure that all legitimate emails pass the checks while keeping unauthorized senders at bay.
  3. Update policy: Once confident that all authorized sources pass the SPF and DKIM alignment checks, move to a stricter DMARC policy – either “quarantine” or “reject.”

Remember, troubleshooting common DMARC issues is an ongoing process. By diligently analyzing DMARC reports, handling delivery failures, and adjusting DMARC policies, we can ensure compliance with new DMARC email standards and protect our dental practice from email-related security threats.

Future of Email Security and DMARC

Evolving Email Threat Landscape

As technology evolves, so do the threats that come with it. We are living in a digital era where email security is under constant attack by cybercriminals. The emergence of sophisticated phishing attacks and ransomware has put organizations at risk. Recent statistics show that email is the most common attack vector where criminals use domain spoofing to impersonate and cause damage to organizations1. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is becoming widely adopted as the standard for email authentication and security to address this pressing issue.

Advancements in Email Authentication

In the future, we foresee DMARC becoming mandatory for organizations to ensure enhanced email security. A growing number of regions worldwide follow global DMARC requirements2, highlighting its significance in cybersecurity. The adoption of DMARC and its email authentication standards will also impact dental practices, as they handle sensitive patient information and must prioritize protecting their data.

To safeguard email communications further, DMARC utilizes two other crucial technologies: SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail). Deploying DMARC, along with SPF and DKIM, helps ensure email sender authenticity, thus preventing unauthorized domain usage. Email senders benefit from being DMARC compliant, increasing their chances of reaching the intended recipients and preventing phishing attacks3.

Key indicators of DMARC adoption:

  • Global mandates and guidance for compliance
  • Growing awareness of email security threats
  • Integration with advanced authentication technologies

In conclusion, the future of email security and DMARC appears promising, as it helps tackle the evolving threat landscape. Dental practices must proactively invest in DMARC email standards to build patient trust and protect sensitive data. As technology advances, the unanimity in implementing stronger cybersecurity measures will only grow, highlighting the importance of DMARC for organizations across the board.


  1. Cisco Secure Email Bug Can Allow Hackers To Bypass Authentication
  2. Red Sift Blog on Global Mandates and Guidance for DMARC 2024
  3. A Date All Email Senders Should Care About – February 1, 2024
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Why Work With NOVA Computer Solutions As Your Trusted Dental IT Services Team

At NOVA Computer Solutions, we pride ourselves on being more than just an IT services company; we are a people company dedicated to helping dental practices change the lives of their patients and team members. Our experience in providing exceptional dental IT services and clinical technology management sets us apart as a top-rated and trusted IT support provider. Plus, we exclusively work within the dental industry, making us experts in the unique IT challenges dental practices face.

Our approach begins with a strategic assessment of your IT infrastructure, where we address questions like: How reliable and secure is your IT? Is it aligned with your practice’s goals and budget? We then develop solutions based on these findings by designing a custom network blueprint that integrates seamlessly with your business processes. This ensures the best results and return on investment (ROI).

Upon implementation, our team provides staff training and ongoing life cycle management, encompassing management throughout the life cycle, software and hardware updates documentation, and regular reporting for your decision-making purposes. Ultimately, we aim to serve as your outsourced IT department, providing continual IT maintenance and operational monitoring for a secure, stable, and efficient IT environment.

With our focus solely on the dental industry, we thoroughly understand the ins and outs of running a successful practice. This makes us the ideal partner to handle IT challenges with minimal interruptions to your everyday operations. Additionally, we help ensure your patient data is secure and complies with industry standards.

Whether you’re buying or selling a dental practice, working with NOVA Computer Solutions can help you avoid costly missteps related to IT and technology. We are a proud member of the Dental Integrators Association, meaning we adhere to strict standards and comply with dental industry best practices.

Start changing people’s lives today by choosing NOVA Computer Solutions as your trusted dental IT services team. Our professionalism, expertise, and client-first approach make us the ideal partner for dental practices seeking a secure and efficient IT environment.

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