Are Your Technology Backups Robust Enough to Save Your Dental Office?

Protecting the personal and health information of your patients is priority one — are your business systems up to the task?

Technology Backups Robust Enough to Save Your Dental Office?

Protecting the personal and health information of your patients is priority one — are your business systems up to the task?

Your business is trusted within your community, with patients that return to you for years — and share their appreciation for your exceptional service with their friends and family members to help grow your practice. What happens when your dental office is suddenly impacted by a data breach or ransomware? If you’re not able to quickly remediate the problem and notify your patients, you risk suffering a setback of your standing in the community that can be difficult to overcome. Fortunately, working with a proactive IT managed services partner may offer the solution that you need to ensure that your data backups and recovery solutions are providing the level of protection that your practice needs.

Why Your Dental Office Needs Data Backups

Imagine the frustration of your patients if they discovered that you had lost the information from their last visit and would need to attempt to patch together their history on their next visit? Dental professionals know the value of data, and that every detail about each patient is extremely important. The unchecked growth of malware and ransomware is taking a significant toll of dental offices and other health professionals, with up to 71% of the ransomware attacks occurring at small businesses or practices. The same study showed that some simple errors in data structure setup may have been the cause of many of these attacks, such as passwords that are never changed from defaults or are not robust enough to repel attackers.

Stable and Secure Data Structures

Quick access to accurate data is the hallmark of a successful business, but creating stable and secure data structures is still proving a challenge for many dental practices. Steve Durbin, managing director of the nonprofit Information Security Forum, notes “With volumes of data increasing to the levels that they are, we’ve reached a point where it’s absolutely impossible for anybody to really, absolutely ensure the integrity of data”. While this is certainly true, there are steps that IT managed services providers offer that can help dramatically improve the quality of data storage and the adherence to government security and data privacy standards.

The personal and health-related information that is stored within your dental practice is some of your most important business assets. When you take the necessary steps to protect your business data with highly secure backups, you have the confidence knowing that your business can continue operating even in the event of a data breach or other cybersecurity incident. Protect the long-term success of your business by working with an IT managed services partner that truly understands the security and data privacy needs of a dental practice. The experts at NOVA Computer Solutions have years of experience and work with healthcare practices of all sizes. Contact us today at 703-493-1796 or fill out our online form to request a free initial consultation.

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