2023 Is The Year Of Video Marketing Technologies For Dentists

Lights, Camera, Action! Video technologies are revolutionizing how we communicate and share information – it’s here to stay!

Step Aside, 2022 – 2023 Is The Year Of Video Marketing Technologies For Dentists

Lights, Camera, Action! Video technologies are revolutionizing how we communicate and share information – it’s here to stay! Say hello to revolutionary technologies online that will make dentists’ lives easier and more profitable in 2023.

2023 plans to shake up dental practices. This is one guarantee, dentistry globally will change for the better in the upcoming year, thanks to video technologies. Incredible developments in online dental technology continue to evolve and improve how dental practices today educate patients and take a huge step forward in the overall care offered.

Dental practices from coast to coast must continue to use and deploy the latest technology tools and services to revolutionize their patient care. From innovative tools and systems that promote patient education and engagement to cutting-edge technologies for precise imaging and restorations—it’s an exciting decade for those perfecting their smiles. Not only does this new array of services provide better outcomes for patients, but it also enables dentists to become someone patients look forward to visiting. Thus, it eliminates the fear of seeing their dentist and makes dental practice indispensable in maintaining optimum oral health. With cutting-edge technology transforming dentistry as we know it, 2023 is set up to be a historic year for dental practices everywhere!

In this article, I want to dive deeper into a critical area in keeping your schedule full and your practice profitable. To drive new patients and educate your current patients about your practice, you need to jump into Digital Video Marketing in 2023.

Check out the January 2023 issue of Ask Dental Journal

Video Marketing Dental Practices

Lights, Camera, Action!

Did you know that video content can take your dental marketing to the next level? Anyone can create excellent video content – no technical expertise is required!

Ninety-seven percent of surveyed marketers observed that video helps customers better understand their products. A close-up, for example, can spotlight a product more effectively than even the most descriptive copy. Additionally, audiences retain 95% of the message after watching a video but only 10% after reading the text. Out of all promotional content, video is by far the most engaging. It adds personality, voice, and a face to your business, thus building trust before you even speak to a potential patient. For several reasons, most dental offices miss out on video’s business growth potential. Often, practices shy away from video marketing because they aren’t sure how to approach producing them or even what they would talk about in them. The good news is video production doesn’t have to be complicated.

There are multiple promotional videos a dental practice can make, and they all have different focuses. Let’s review some of those.

  • Staff Profiles – Staff profile videos are a great way to introduce your team to current and prospective patients. It’s like a moving version of your “About Us” page. Whether it’s a video of an employee talking about their experience in the field or working in your dental office, staff profiles are great for spotlighting your team.
  • Take your patients behind the scenes in your practice – Behind-the-scenes videos use footage that looks into a typical day at your office. It shows how you and your team work and communicate together. They are more impactful than scripted content because they humanize your business and offer an authentic look at your operations.
  • Patient Testimonials – One of the most impactful forms of advertising is word-of-mouth. Patient testimonial videos are a great way to capture real customers advocating for your practice while having some control over the content. The content should focus on the aspects of your practice that matter the most to your current and future patients.
  • Education – Educational videos can give your patients tips and best practices. Educate your patients about dental hygiene. These videos are inherently more engaging since they allow users to learn about subjects that interest them. They should be short, easy to understand, and attention-grabbing. To that end, it helps to make them consistently and address timely topics to help build thought leadership and trust.
  • Community Outreach – Building trust and healthy brand growth require you to act as a responsible community member. Supporting and participating in community initiatives helps the practice establish an image of trust and resonate with your current and future patients. These videos are suitable for raising awareness for local current events or persistent issues and increasing engagement on social media.

Now that we have covered many different areas of video content you can create let’s review the tools and equipment you will need to make these quick and easy videos.

  • Camera – If you’re making a video, you need a good camera. Start with the basics. You can use your smartphone camera for filming. It won’t get you the same level of quality as a professional-level full-frame mirrorless video camera, but it’s more accessible, and the quality constantly improves.
  • Tripod – It doesn’t matter how good your camera’s stabilization is; you need a tripod. Even small shakes can be visible in a video. A tripod turns a basic camera into a much better video production tool and will seriously improve the video quality of any camera.
  • External microphone – While some video cameras, camcorders, and phones have great audio pickups, they still leave much to be desired. If you’re using something smaller, the audio will likely be terrible because these devices aren’t designed to capture high-quality sound. External microphones significantly improve the quality of your audio. This is especially important when filming video lessons, courses, live streams, interviews, or anything else that contains speech.
  • Lighting – Lighting makes a huge difference in the quality of your video. Getting your lighting right is not easy, but there are many options to choose from that will make your light just right.
  • Gimbal – A gimbal is a stabilizer for your camera. A gimbal stabilizes your shot using pivots and weights, which is especially important when moving. When your camera is still, a tripod will work. If you’re moving around, you’ll need a gimbal.

So now, let’s discuss which platforms dental practices should focus on for your video content.

  • YouTube – YouTube is powerful, the number two search engine online, and dental practices can have a compelling strategy on YouTube. YouTube videos can serve many purposes, from embedding your website to sharing in a newsletter or social media. More and more of your patients have cut the cord on traditional TV and watched YouTube channels in the comfort of their living rooms.
  • Facebook – Studies have shown that the average Facebook user logs into their Facebook account six to twelve times daily. Facebook allows a dental practice to connect instantly through their business profile and personally. Facebook is a great platform to share information, hygiene tips, and even fun facts about dentistry.
  • Instagram – Like Facebook, Instagram is another platform that allows dental practices to connect instantly. In addition to connecting with your patients, platforms such as Instagram allow you to build a network of influencers who can help promote and share the great things you do in your practice.
  • TikTok – Tik Tok is the new kid on the block. Like all other social platforms, Tik Tok provides the dental clinic with a mechanism to reach new audiences. TikTok is a platform for new generations, and many Tik Tok users may be off Facebook, YouTube, or other services.

There you have it. It’s easier than you thought, right? Before you know it, you will be making fantastic videos that are bound to engage your viewers. Whether your goal is to educate your viewers, increase your patients, or your company’s profile online, you can just by making a quick video. If you are still unsure where to start or need assistance picking out the proper gimbal, you don’t have to go it alone. NOVA Computer Solutions is here to help get you going on your way to becoming the video star of your practice.

Start Creating Your Videos!

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