Are You Missing a Valuable Resource for Stellar Patient Experiences?

Are you missing out on a key component of your dental practice — and don’t even know it? IT managed services may be the missing link that you need to grow revenue. 

Missing a Valuable Resource for Stellar Patient Experiences?

Are you missing out on a key component of your dental practice — and don’t even know it? IT managed services may be the missing link that you need to grow revenue. 

Dental IT

Americans have very specific ideas about the care profiles that they consider a positive experience. They don’t want to have to re-do paperwork every time they come into a dental or medical practice. There should be automatic reminders to help keep them on track in terms of coming to their appointment. If their records need to be sent to a specialist, or if patients need a prescription the perception is that all of these things should be accomplished without the intervention of the patient. If you’re still struggling to meet those expectations, you might be overlooking one of the most powerful tools in your kit for a positive patient experience — technology.

IT Managed Services Can Boost Productivity and Office Effectiveness

Are your team members spending an inordinate amount of time shuffling paperwork and waiting for computer screens to update? A network slowdown can do more than make your office staff wait several moments before being able to provide callers or patients with information. It can also slow the flow of information in and out of your dental practice to a crawl. When you work with IT managed services providers, you have added peace of mind knowing that your technology simply works. When it doesn’t, you have a trusted provider who is able to step in and help troubleshoot any issues that you’re experiencing and get them fixed quickly.

Reduce Risk Around Compliance and Data Security

Data compliance and security are a major risk for any type of healthcare organization. With HIPAA requirements and data privacy laws in full effect, maintaining a high level of compliance — and being able to prove that you are fully compliant — are vital for your practice. Your patients want to know that you are taking all necessary steps to keep their personal, financial and health-related information secure from the risk of breach. What can be challenging is balancing the need for security with the requirement of portability of your electronic records, another key component of the exceptional patient experience.

Create an Atmosphere of Professionalism and Proactive Service

Your dental hygienists are the face of your business, but your office workers also need access to the tools that will make them successful. That includes office software that allows them to quickly connect the dots for patients and scheduling solutions that work quickly. Plus, having a fully-integrated system includes telecommunications platforms that help receptionists proactively support patients through automated reminders, follow-ups for ratings from patients and more.

Are data security compliance problems, help desk requests and poor network speeds slowing down your business? Finding the best solution for improving your patient experience may be closer than you realize. At NOVA Computer Solutions, our experts work hard to ensure that your dental practice has the best and most stable technology solutions in place so you can focus on providing high-quality care to your patients. Contact us today at 888-711-3234 for more information or schedule your free initial consultation online by filling out our quick form.

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