10 Questions to Ask Before Investing in New Technology

Are you considering adding new technology to your dental practice? Before you do so, read this blog to learn ten essential questions to ask yourself.  

Ten Questions to Ask Before Investing in New Technology

Are you considering adding new technology to your dental practice? Before you do so, read this blog to learn ten essential questions to ask yourself.  

When considering the entire history of modern dentistry, technology has played a vital role. And as technology has advanced rapidly over the years, there have been many improvements when it comes to dentistry devices and processes. But when it comes to investing for these new technologies, it may be confusing on what to invest in and what new technology will have the most significant impact on your practice.

In this post, we’ll dive into the ten questions to ask yourself before investing in new technology for your practice.

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1. Will it be beneficial for clinical care?

No matter what product you’re considering, all of the manufacturers will most likely claim that their product will improve clinical care. However, you shouldn’t only rely on what the manufacturers’ representatives tell you. If possible, try to find testimonials from actual users, and look for proof wherever you can.

2. Will it help efficiency?

Another critical reason to invest in new technology is that you want to boost efficiency. If things run more smoothly in your practice, it will show in your services, customer service, and employee interactions. But with the wrong technology, it can cause a lot of problems. That being said, do your best to examine the data of the new product, and check to see if efficiency is one of the advantages.

3. Will it be affordable?

When considering new technology, thinking about the cost is a very important task. You must think about your return on investment, or ROI, to ensure that your investment is well worth it. To do this efficiently, you’ll need to factor in the cost of the product initially, then consider the operating costs to do a complete analysis.

4. Is it made to last?

Longevity is another area to think about. You want to ensure your investment is built to last and won’t break down in the next year. Try to look over testimonials and reviews from users, and try your best to gauge how long the product will be useful in your practice.

5. Will it create new revenue sources?

Some of the best technology will open up an entirely new revenue source for your practice. This can bring in tons of revenue and can lead to many significant advancements within your organization. Try to think about how the product can add a new service or change a process for the better.

6. Will it lower risks?

Safety hazards are a leading concern for dental offices. With so many things that can go wrong, practices always look for emerging technology to help. That being said, consider safety when considering new technology in your practice.

7. Is it user-friendly?

In this day and age, user-friendliness is a top quality that new technology aims for. That being said, this should be a top priority when looking for the next new technology to utilize. You want new technology to make things easier for employees and patients, so do your best to understand how this new product will work in that equation.

8. Can it easily be integrated?

In many practices, most of the technology and systems used are interconnected. That being said, you’ll want to ensure that the new technology will fit perfectly with your current process and technology already in use.

9. Is it possible to implement it quickly?

When implementing a new product or technology, you don’t want regular business to suffer dramatically. That being said, try to gauge how long a new technology can be implemented and determine if those headaches are worth it in the end.

10. Will the new technology be used?

While new technology might sound appealing at first, your team may think otherwise when it’s in use in daily operations. Therefore, you’ll want to envision how this technology will work in your practice, and you’ll want to ask your team for their honest thoughts about the new technology.

NOVA Computer Solutions

Whether you need IT consulting or specific IT services for your practice, NOVA Computer Solutions is here to help. We are specialists in the dental industry, and we’ve worked with many dental practices to help solve their IT and computer needs at every turn.

Call NOVA Computer Solutions today to find the Dental IT services that work for you!

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