Mac or PC
What Is Best For Your Dental Office?

It’s time to buy a new computer – or maybe upgrade the entire office. Maybe your staff currently uses all PCs and you’re debating buying Apple this time.

It’s time to buy a new computer – or maybe upgrade the entire office. Maybe your staff currently uses all PCs and you’re debating buying Apple this time. It doesn’t have to be because of the Apple commercials, though the digital song and dance do produce a mesmerizing on-screen effect that would be enough to tantalize anyone. You probably just wonder if it makes sense – more and more people are using iPhones or iPads and the user interface is easy to work with, and it seems like the simpler choice – go all Apple.

Before you lock in your decision, there is a lot more to consider. While Macs do offer the wireless mouse and keyboard and boast a shiny, sleek, and sophisticated look compared to PCs, there are a lot of other factors to consider.

What Should You Consider Before Buying a Mac for Your Dental Practice?

There are several factors to think about before making a major computer purchase, but those with the greatest impact on you and your practice tend to focus on:

  • Integration: In the PC world, everything works together because the PC dominates the professional market, no matter the industry. Software and applications integrate seamlessly. If you’ve started exploring a new purchase, you’ve already experienced the sticker shock of Apple products, and know there will be a hidden cost of hardware or software you may need if you’re transitioning from PC to Mac. Software is platform-specific, so any software your office is currently using will need to be replaced – and may not be available in both PC and Mac formats, requiring you to change software programs entirely (and your staff to learn).
  • Risk: Medical practices are just one industry looking for ways to improve technology, but security for Apple is completely different than security for a PC. Much like there are different application versions for software, the same can be said for security measures – right down to how you’ll need to protect your data. New platforms pose new risks for staff learning a new environment.
  • Efficiency: The primary purpose of technology is to simplify processes, resulting in improved efficiency. Consider if your pending purchase will yield increased efficiency. What processes can you automate, and will this purchase help you with that automation?
  • Cloud Services: The cloud is one area where you will find a relatively smooth transition. If your practice relies on cloud services, you can be relatively confident in a multi-platform environment, though a thorough audit is recommended.

Are You Ready to Make Your Decision?

There is a rather long checklist of items to think about before committing to a big buy. When the purchase has the potential to impact every area of your practice, it’s good to go in armed with the full facts.

NOVA Computer Solutions are specialists in the dental industry and we work with dental practices to solve your IT and computer needs. Call NOVA Computer Solutions today and find the Dental IT Services that work for you.

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