Is Your Information Tech Company A Member Of The DIA?

Did You Know An Official Dental Association Guards Practices Like Yours And It’s Not The ADA?

Did You Know An Official Dental Association Guards Practices Like Yours And It’s Not The ADA?

As a Professional Dentist or Orthodontist, when you display the proud American Dental Association symbol on the front door of your dental practice, your stationery, your website, and your business cards, you’re letting everyone know, which comes in contact with you or your business, you are not average.

You represent and are an exclusive member of that elite organization in excellent standing. You are incredibly competent and only apply the highest ethical dental standards in your practice. You are also entrusted to provide your patients with full and total oral hygiene healthcare. Wouldn’t you agree?

May I ask then?

Would you ever consider sending your mother or a little child to a dental office you knew had lower standards than what you believe or practice, or if they use dental equipment that is outdated? Of course, you wouldn’t! You’d tell me the risks are far too high. You’d probably say, “What if the procedure went wrong, is the dental staff qualified or trained in an emergency dental situation?”

You may also go on and inform me the proper dental equipment must be used at all times, without exception. Updated, sterilized, fully operational, and meeting the highest dental industry requirements and federal HIPAA regulations before every use. The mere notion anyone suggesting going to or sending a loved one to a sub-par practitioner rubs you the wrong way and is highly offensive too.

And that is the incredible part about serious-minded, high integrity Dentists and Orthodontists, like you. Whom belong to well established, highly credible, Dental industry associations, an IT Security company like NOVA Computer Solutions will only trust with all their dental work.

These exemplary men and women in the Dental profession display admirable qualities such as:

  • Guarding their reputations by not compromising on the quality of care
  • Setting high standards for all of its participating member dental professionals
  • Expect and require nothing less than complete integrity from the entire dental industry
  • Help enact laws to protect all patients, no matter their background, origin or income status
  • Backing up and securing their clients and patient’s medical records and personal information

Without individuals like you, at this level of your profession, a client or patient will never be left to wonder if they are getting the correct and best dental care when they sit in your chair. We appreciate your complete commitment to the highest standards which also aligns with the stiff requirements the Dental Integrators Association places on its vetted IT and MSP members.

DIA – The Official Dental Association Securing Practices Like Yours

To match or exceed the dental industry’s highest standards there is something you should know before we proceed. Not all IT and MSP providers, who apply for membership, to the prestigious Dental Integrators Association, are accepted.

Association compliance standards, rules, and the governing body have a strict code of conduct for vetting all potential DIA members serving dental professionals from the Information Technology and Managed Service Provider industry.

As an example of the vetting process, for the IT Company NOVA Computer Solutions, (current member in good standing), to be considered for membership their firm was required to comply with the following Admission Standards:

  • IT Company must be established a minimum of three years – proof required
  • Business revenue from the Dental Field must be 25% or above
  • Evidence of consistently maintaining a minimum of 20 or more Dental Clients
  • Letters of Reference and Letters of Dental Installation Projects were a required submission
  • Total of three or more letters of recommendation from dental practices was needed
  • Submitting complete documentation of three dental IT installation projects NOVA did
  • Each document had to be thorough and detailed with multiple photos, per installation

Here’s Why The Admission Standard Process Is Very Important For You To Know

Each requirement during the Admission process determines the length of time in business, as well as documented years spent serving your industry at the full capacity of a professional IT Security and Technology company. Plus 25% of their business practice, not just in revenue must be focused solely on maintaining a constant presence with dental professionals.

For any IT company, like NOVA Computer Solutions, to present all that detailed information listed above, took them years to acquire, for membership consideration only, and was no guarantee of admission.

That alone gives you an idea of their long-lasting commitment to dentists and orthodontists in Northern Virginia, Metro D.C. and Maryland areas. When you switch over for IT Service and Technology Support with NOVA, you now know their knowledge of the Dental industry runs deep with many years serving multiple dental practices.

Once Approved – The Next Step Was To Follow Strict Technical Standards

You read that right. If approved, all DIA members will follow the highest and strictest Technical Standards laid down by the association and governing body, without exception. We would encourage you to speak with NOVA in greater detail about the depth of the technical standards listed below.

Here are 13 summarized technical standards approved members must follow and comply:

  • Only the legal and licensed software will be used and distributed.
  • There will be no installation, support or distribution of pirated software.
  • Adopt a document management process.
  • Adopt an employee confidentiality policy regarding protected health information.
  • Make all documents available for immediate inspection upon request.
  • Implement Network Servers.
  • Implement Business Class firewalls
  • Implement an Automated Backup System
  • Implement Complex Server Passwords
  • Implement Business Class Antivirus and Antimalware/Spyware Software
  • Understand and comply with all HIPAA rules and regulations that apply to dentists and IT firms
  • Maintain your Microsoft Partner Network at a minimum level of “Registered ”
  • Keep Errors & Omissions Insurance Policy – coverage limits suitable for business size and liability

In Conclusion

As you have read, all IT and MSP DIA members must follow the highest standards for dental practice protection. Because of your high standards and practices, NOVA Computer Solutions will always entrust you with their complete dental and oral hygiene healthcare. With DIA strict standards and compliance practices, will you do likewise and contact NOVA, the Association’s member in good standing, to give your full support and switch over?

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